Every teacher at Majestic has either earned or is working on earning an arts integration endorsement, which takes two years of specialized training. They learn tools and techniques to creatively apply art and interactive activities into their lessons. Majestic Elementary Arts Academy is a free public school open to any K-6 students in the Salt Lake Valley. Here is a sample of our students as our Majestic students perform with West Jordan Middle school.
Majestic Arts Academy YouTube channel
Jan 10: SCC & PTA Meeting at 11:00
Jan 13: Food Pantry Distribution: Items- Canned Chicken, Canned Peas & Carrots, Canned Mixed Fruit, Canned Black Beans, Rotini Pasta, Cereal, Bread, either Fresh Apples or Potatoes. Please remind your student to unload their backpack of books and papers. It is easier to carry the food in their backpack. If you have opted out but would like to receive food again, just call the office and let us know 801-565-7458.
Jan 20: NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Jr. Observance
Jan 21: NO SCHOOL: Teacher grade day
Glance Ahead:
February Drill: Secure
Feb 4: 5th grade field trip to Abravanel Hall to see the Utah Symphony 9-11:30
Feb 6: NOT AN EARLY OUT THURSDAY. Regular schedule 8:25-3:00.
Feb 7: NO SCHOOL: Jordan School District Health and Wellness Day.
Feb 7: NO SCC Meeting for the month of February.
Feb 10: Food Pantry Distribution Day. Please have your child empty their backpack.
Feb 14: Happy Valentines Day
Feb 14: PTA Meeting at 11:00
Feb 17: NO SCHOOL: President's Day
Feb 19: PTC appointments & Book Fair
Feb 20: PTC appointments & Book Fair
Feb 20: Early dismissal day. School ends at 12:25.
Feb 21: NO SCHOOL: Teacher Compensation Day
Mar 11: Spring Picture Day (No retakes)
Mar 20: Save the Date: Art Show
Parent Teacher Conferences will be February 19 & 20. Please sign up for an appointment online or by calling our office at 801-565-7458. Instructions for singing up online through a parent skyward account can be found at these links:
Kindergarten registration for 2025-2026 school year is now open! If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2025, that child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program.
Registration information can be found HERE.
If you have any questions please call our office at 801-565-7458.