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Prevention Plan Overview

Majestic Elementary Prevention Plan Overview 2024-2025

“Every Minute Matters.” Majestic’s goal is to educate all students to high levels of academic performance and to teach each one to be polite, responsible, independent, disciplined, and empowered (P.R.I.D.E.).

Our school’s everyday efforts that build students' social, emotional, and behavioral skills include:

  • Our school partners with parents/guardians and community members in building essential skills by
    • Communicating (newsletter, Skylert announcements, positive calls home, etc.) 
    • Community partnerships that include U of U, Daynes Music, and our Community Resource Center  
    • Playworks, smiles etc
    • PTA and Community Council
    • Events:
      • Annual Back to School Night
      • Math Night
      • Literacy Night
      • Arts Showcase Performances
      • Junior League
      • Field Day 
      • Parent Teacher Conferences, etc. 
  • What school team(s) or committee(s) focus on this effort? When do they meet
    • PTA, community council- Meets at 11:00 on the first Friday of the month
    • Leadership Team-Meets once a month
    • PBIS-Meets once a month
    • Student Support Team- Meets once a week 
    • MTSS-Meets once a week

Some of our school’s everyday efforts that create an environment that addresses students basic needs for safety (both physical and emotional), connections (both adult and peer), and confidence (academic and non-academic) include:

  • Our school provides access to District mental health and support resources through Student Services which includes the Jordan Family Education Center and Mental Health Access Program.
  • Our school provides access to academic support with District departments to support the success of every student.
  • Our school’s mental health providers (school counselors, school psychologists, or clinical support) are trained and supported by District administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts.
  • Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from District specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
  • Our school provides access to parent and family resources including a District partnership with the Cook Center for Human Connection, evening parent seminars, and classes through the Jordan Family Education Center.
  • Our school integrates ARTS, MUSIC, and STEAM into the curriculum providing an opportunity for students to explore and build both academic and social emotional skills.
  • School wide and classroom recognition programs 

Our school facilitates a relationship-driven, learning-focused, data-informed decision making process in building students skills and supporting student’s needs.

  • MTSS or SST, interventions
  • Progress Monitoring, Walk to Read, etc.
  • Attendance programs?
  • Rotation classes or other programs that allow for PLC time
  • Wellness room data

Some of our school’s everyday efforts that enhance “protective factors” and reduce “risk factors” include:

up arrow

  • Peer and adult connections
  • Emotion regulation and coping skills
  • Help-seeking and responsive intervention
  • Positive experiences and emotions
  • Sense of belonging, trust, and consistency
  • Safe and supportive environments at home and school
  • Access to health and mental health resources
  • Academic success and confidence 
  • Strategies for physical wellness
  • Social-emotional skills lessons
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    • isolation, exclusion, ostracism
    • Academic failure
    • Attendance issues
    • Unmet basic needs (i.e. food insecurity, homelessness)
    • Unmet mental health needs (i.e. trauma, depression, anxiety)
    • Inadequate supervision or support
    • Unaddressed barriers to learning





Suicide Prevention Essential Components 

  1. School administrators and mental health providers (school counselors, school psychologists, social workers) are trained on and follow suicide risk intervention guidelines, and also have opportunities for other relevant training as appropriate (i.e. QPR, crisis response, CALM training).
  2. Students referred for suicide risk receive evidence-based interventions which may include a screening interview (CSSR-S), parent/guardian contact, mental health recommendations/referrals (JFEC, MHAP, etc.), a re-entry meeting, regular follow-up, and/or other supportive measure.
  3. Staff (and students as appropriate) are trained regularly on recognizing warning signs, reporting procedures for individuals identified who may be at risk (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and resources available for those who may be at risk. 
  4. Students have opportunities to develop social and emotional skills that support their learning and thriving (e.g. positive coping skills, identifying and regulating emotions, help-seeking behavior, etc.). We provide this training through Second Step and social lessons taught by our school psychologist and counselor.
  5. All of our school’s licensed staff participate in suicide prevention training for their license renewal.
  6. Student counseling support and our school wellness room is available for identified students needing additional emotional support during the school day.
  7. Second Step Curriculum

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention Essential Components

    1. A school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate, safety, and bullying/harassment incidents by identifying vulnerable populations (e.g., racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ youth, students with disabilities) and specific spaces where incidents may be likely. The school team uses relevant data to plan supports accordingly. We analyze data collected in Panorama, Skyward,  and SST meetings to identify and support students who may be marginalized and put appropriate supports in place to validate and help these students.
    2. Staff (and students as appropriate) are trained regularly on school procedures for recognizing, reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and responding to bullying incidents including documentation expectations. 
    3. School staff follow State reporting requirements by logging targets and aggressors in Skyward. 
    4. Affected students receive support which may include suicide risk assessments, counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), a student wellness plan, parent/guardian contact and/or other supportive measures—recognizing that targets, aggressors, and witnesses of bullying are more susceptible to school problems.
    5. Students have opportunities to develop social and emotional skills (e.g. respect, empathy, conflict resolution, kindness, assertiveness, etc.), build a sense of community, and resolve conflicts peacefully. These opportunities are provided through Second Step Lessons, our school psychologist and counselor, Mindful Monday videos, and intervention conversations with administration, student support teams, and classroom teachers.
    6. Any assemblies or programs that you offer that would assist with building skills to prevent suicide.
    7. Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention implementation:
      • Teaching students conflict resolution and communication strategies- Playworks strategies
      • Educate students about what bullying is and when to report it (class discussion, books, etc.)
      • Parent contact to inform of issue, resolution and actions taken.
      • Our school uses restorative practices to help students resolve conflicts and repair relationships.
      • Students can anonymously report incidents via SafeUT
      • All reports are investigated by the next school day.

Violence Prevention Essential Components

  1. A school threat assessment team is trained on and regularly reviews the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG).
  2. A process for timely response to threats of violence is developed and implemented using the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) and its decision tree. This includes warning potential victims and their parents/guardians.
  3. Communicate to staff and students on school procedures for recognizing and reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring etc.) threats of violence.
  4. Affected students receive support which may include staff-supported problem solving, C-STAG interviews, suicide risk assessments, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Restorative Conferencing, Mediation, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP) a student wellness plan, parent contact, and/or other supportive measure.
  5. Students have opportunities to resolve conflicts peacefully, be a part of the school community, and develop social and emotional skills that support their learning and thriving (e.g. respect, empathy, conflict resolution, kindness, assertiveness, etc.).
  6. Violence Prevention implementation:
    • Monthly safety procedures and drills.
    • Ways you  improve student attendance.
    • Planned teacher duty schedule and placement to promote safety before and after school.

Additional Prevention Strategies

These additional strategies are described using the prevention (proactive skill building), response (intervention strategies as issues arise), and awareness (sharing information with the broader school community) framework for the sake of clarity. 

These additional strategies are not mandatory and the list of examples is not all-inclusive, this is a tool meant to guide your prevention planning discussion.

Additional prevention strategies:

Prevention ideas:

Teach mindfulness skills and self-regulation each Monday

Develop a wellness center or calm room 

Create opportunities to strengthen student’s sense of community through events

Implement restorative, community-building strategies–including circles 

Focus on social and emotional learning skills/ topics school-wide during rotations, advisory periods, assemblies, library read-alouds, music time, or other school activities

Use children’s books that build social and emotional skills for reading activities -Emi program

Teach empathy and relationship skills

Ensure all students have positive connections with adult

Response and Intervention ideas:

Assign school point-person for follow up on each student issue and schedule regular check-ins with the students affected

Conduct a suicide risk screener with any students reported for risk of suicide, bullying, or violence

Use return to learn procedures for students transitioning back to school from other settings 

Advertise the use of SafeUT app, crisis contacts, and available crisis resources for students

Promote school-wide (teachers, hall monitors, cafeteria workers, etc.)  understanding of procedures 

Train staff members on evidence-based intervention strategies that foster connectedness & resilience

Practice strategies to resolve conflict and equip students with communication and advocacy skills

Use restorative practices to build student’s skills —it is essential to avoid mediation directly between a target of bullying and their aggressor

Develop a student wellness plan for affected student

Build skills for recognizing and responding to at-risk students in the school community 

Training staff and offer training to community members annually (i.e. QPR) 

Encourage school-home-community partnerships to raise awareness

Engage PTA/ stakeholders in themes/ activities/ events related to prevention

Include wellness topics (mental health, SEL materials, internet safety) in school newsletter, emails home, or spirit weeks

Host parent/community events that help parents recognize, report, and prevent problems

Publish school procedures for suicide, bullying, and violence prevention on the school website