This new program is not only beautiful, it’s Majestic
We had a special guest Brenda A. Beyal a native Diné (Navajo) schoolteacher, who read the book Fry Bread to our students. She also instructed our principal and some teachers on how to make Fry Bread! Every student had delicious fresh fry bread at recess. Yum!
Each 5th/6th grader made a Food Chain using 7 different art forms. Each step of the chain was represented using a different Mexican Folk Art. Yarn Painting, Woolen Needle Work, Alibrijes, Engraved Tin, and Clay were the student's favorites.
2nd graders created observational drawings of bees while learning about the important role pollinators play in every ecosystem.
A forest ecosystem created as the initial piece in the food webs project.

The Spring Art Festival was a success. Family members were able to make six different math integrated art projects. Seen here is a student using bubbles to print a geometric pattern on paper.
The Black Light display is a tradition at the Spring Art Festival. This year it was filled with neon planets the 6th graders created while learning about our solar system. Kindergarten and 1st graders also contributed with neon creatures that use bioluminescence to communicate.
Majestic has four teachers who specialize in helping students recognize how Science, Technology, Engineering, Music and Art are evident and essential in everyday lives.
Pictured here, they are standing by the “Kindness Path” created by students. Each rock in the path is hand painted to depict different ways students can be kind to one another, to nature and how to beautify our world.
Learning can be engaging and fun, energizing our lives like a STEAM powered engine. STEAM education is the study of:
Science - Technology - Engineering - Art - Music