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Parent Volunteers/Chaperones

We’re excited that you want to volunteer at our school! In order to participate in activities with unsupervised access to students (like field trips), you will be required to complete the following steps:

1. Complete the Volunteer Application. Forms can be picked up in the main office or printed HERE .

2. Watch the "Code of Conduct" training and complete the signature form. The training video can be found HERE.  The Code of Conduct signature form can be picked up in the main office or printed HERE.

3. Bring your completed Volunteer Application and Code of Conduct Signature Form to the main office.  The principal will review your application and sign it. After it is signed, you will receive a phone call letting you know it has been signed and you can come and pick it up in the main office.

4. Schedule an appointment for fingerprinting at the Jordan District offices. Once you have picked up your signed application, you can schedule an appointment for your fingerprinting and background check (at not cost to you).  This is done at the district offices located at 7387 S. Campus View Drive in West Jordan. Fingerprinting is done by appointment only.  You can schedule an appointment by clicking here .

5. Bring a state issued ID and your completed volunteer application, signed by the school administrator, to the Human Resource Department for your scheduled appointment. Once you have completed the fingerprinting and background check, you will only need to fill out the volunteer application each year while your student is attending Majestic.

*** The volunteer steps take about 2-3 weeks to complete.  Please keep this in mind and complete them in advance of any field trips or activities you would like to volunteer at.

Parent involvement video:

Volunteers are vital to the success of educating the students of Jordan School DistrictEach year thousands of volunteers spend a considerable amount of their own time assisting students in reading, writing and mathematics or in other support roles. We could use your help in the classroom and at events that are fun for our children, help with activities that help raise money for our school, and many others. Whether you have a little time or a lot, your help is always welcome. In fact, many PTA events are successful because of the wonderful interests and talents of Volunteers.  Please come and join us.

Video en español

Código de Conducta Video


Formulario Información de Voluntarios


Los voluntarios son vitales para el éxito de educar a los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Jordan. Cada año, miles de voluntarios dedican una cantidad considerable de su tiempo a ayudar a los estudiantes en lectura, escritura y matemáticas, o en otras funciones de apoyo.
Si está interesado en ser voluntario de la Escuela Majestic, contacte la oficina de la escuela. A todos los voluntarios se les require llenar una aplicación en volunteer applicationOpens in a new window y enviarla a la oficina de la escuela. Se debe completar una solicitud por separado para cada escuela en la que pueda estar interesado en ser voluntario. Una nueva solicitud debe completarse anualmente.
Todos los voluntarios que tienen acceso sin supervisión a los niños deben tomar sus huellas digitales y tener una verificación de antecedentes penales, sin costo alguno, antes de que puedan ser voluntarios.

Formulario De Solicitud Para Voluntario

Este programa muestra dónde estan los enlaces a los formularios del distrito y el enlace de información del voluntario del distrito.