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Land Trust


Land Trust Plans TSSA Plans
Land Trust 2024-2025 TSSA 2024-2025
Land Trust 2023-2024 TSSA 2023-2024
Land Trust 2022-2023 TSSA 2022-2023


Majestic Elementary Arts Academy State Goals for 2024-2025

We will achieve 80% of our students making typical or better growth on their Acadience measures. We will use Pathways of Progress data to track this during the year, in addition to BOY, MOY, and EOY data to determine the success of our goal.

Academic Area

  • English/Language Arts


Literacy is a key indicator for success across all curriculum areas. Last year, 75% of our students made typical or better growth on Acadience, but our RISE scores did not improve. It makes sense to our council that there is a lag time between increased growth and increased proficiency. Many of our at-risk students are still below proficient, but are making really good growth. We want to maintain and increase our reading growth in hopes that the proficiency will catch up in a year or two.

Action Plan Steps and Expenditures

1. We will use all of our funding to pay for the other half of an FTE that will help supplement our current teacher allocation so that we can afford to provide an instructional coach ($45,000).  

2. By having that funded as a full-time position, it provides additional data support, weekly coaching for teachers, and increased efficiency in our Walk to Read program. 

3. If there is any additional funding, it will be used to pay for teacher professional development opportunities ($3,000).

4. If there is any funding left, we will purchase technology to support our reading goal ($2676.99).

Majestic ElementaryArts Academy Land Trust funds 

Year Amount
2024-2025 50,677
2023-2024 $57,142
2022-2023 $35,606